Friday, June 19, 2020

Tracking the Brain in Myotonic Dystrophies

Voxel-based morphometry analyses at baseline, follow-up, and over time
Natural history of brain involvement in adult-onset myotonic dystrophies type 1 and 2. (DM1, DM2). 
Mild gray matter reduction was present in DM1 compared to controls at baseline and more pronounced at follow-up.

Displayed results of VBM analyses are based on a threshold of pfalse discovery rate < 0.05 at voxel-level with an extended cluster threshold of 10 voxels. The coordinates refer to the MNI reference space. VBM analyses were performed in 13 DM1, 15 DM2 patients, and 13 controls. (A) Gray matter decrease in DM1 patients compared with controls at baseline (light red) and at follow-up (light and dark red). Dark red areas had not been affected at baseline. (B) Gray matter decrease in DM2 patients compared with controls at baseline and at follow-up (no clusters detected). (C) White matter decrease in DM1 patients compared with controls at baseline (light blue) and at follow-up (light and dark blue). (D) White matter decrease in DM2 patients compared with controls at baseline (light blue) and at follow-up (light and dark blue). Dark blue areas had not been affected at baseline.

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