In all patients, hypo-intense perilesional hemosiderin deposits were much more pronounced at 7 T. Boxed areas are shown at higher magnification.
A) In patient No 3, anatomical detail level and contrast of the lesion (white arrowheads) to healthy tissue were higher at 7 T imaging. T2-FLAIR weighted high magnification images are shown for comparison below. A perilesional hypo-intense area, indicating hemosiderin deposits, was much more pronounced at 7 T (red arrowheads). B) In patient No. 4, again both anatomical details as well as the imaging of hemosiderin (white arrowheads) were superior at 7 T. C) Incidental finding of a cavernous angioma (white arrowhead) in patient No. 5.
The internal structure of the lesion, showing a nodular characteristic with a hypo-intense rim, and the depiction of feeding vessels were more pronounced at 7 T, facilitating the diagnosis.
Comparison of MR-angiographies derived from 3D TOF acquisitions at 3 T and 7 T
In all patients, TOF at 7 T was able to depict the branches of the main cerebral arteries in higher anatomical detail. In patients No. 4 (A) and No. 7 (B), the left MCA territory is shown in higher magnification. In comparison with 3 T, clearly more first and second order branches were visible at 7 T in comparison with 3 T (white arrowheads).
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