Friday, June 19, 2020

Comparison of T1-weighted Images Derived from T1-MPRAGE at 3 T & 7 T

In all patients, MPRAGE at 7 T depicted the internal structure of stroke lesion in higher detail compared with 3 T. Boxed areas are shown at higher magnification. A) Patient No. 3. The tissue defect area appeared larger and less well confined at 3 T in contrast to 7 T (white arrowheads). Virchow-Robin spaces were seen in more detail and higher frequency at 7 T (red arrowheads). B) In patient No. 1, the chronic stroke lesion (white arrowheads) presented as an hypo-intense area – indicating gliosis – and as a disruption of the cortical band. 

These characteristics of the lesion were depicted in higher detail level and contrast at 7 T. The subacute lesion (red arrowheads) showed a different internal structure of the cortical band compared with healthy cortex. Within the lesion, the cortical band was divided into a superficial hyperintense layer and a deeper hypo-intense layer (asterisks). 

Differentiation of the two layers was much easier at 7 T. C) Patient No. 4. In this large infarct, differentiation of hypo-intense gliosis (white arrowheads) and healthy tissue was again clearer at 7 T. Inhomogeneities between the frontal and occipital cortex and paramedian deep structures – typical for 7 T – were more pronounced in this patient compared to A) and B).

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