Saturday, June 20, 2020

fMRI Resting-State Fronto-Parietal Dementia

Regional Homogeneity (ReHo) Analysis in Asymptomatic GRN+ carriers (aGRN+
compared to young healthy controls (yHC), showing reduced ReHo index (Panel A) as 
well as increased ReHo index (Panel B).

The results are superimposed on a 3D-standarized T1 brain template. P<0.01 uncorrected, p<0.05 FDR cluster-level. L =  left.

Regional Homogeneity (ReHo, Panel A), Fractional Amplitude of Low Frequency Fluctuations (fALFF, Panel B), Degree Centrality (DC, Panel C) analyses in Frontotemporal Dementia related to GRN (FTD-GRN+) compared to old healthy controls (oHC) using Biological Parametric Mapping Analysis (BPM) showing eitherreduced and increased significant clusters results are superimposed on a 3D-standarized T1 brain template. P<0.01 uncorrected, p<0.05 FDR cluster-level.

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