Saturday, June 20, 2020

Resting-State Network Alterations in Post-Concussion Syndrome Following Mild TBI

Statistical connectograms of differences between mTBI patients and controls, showing significant effect in 
regional characteristics at the subacute and late phases after the injury at p<0.05 (uncorrected).

The outermost ring shows brain regions arranged by lobe and subcortical structures and further ordered anterior-to-posterior (color map is lobe-specific). Bottom right: legend of the representation of regional metrics in the connectogram. Within the circular structure representing the brain parcellation, two sets of seven circular heat maps (or rings) are shown. Each set encodes for the subacute and late phases after the injury respectively, while each heat map encodes for regional graph theory properties (basic and topological) associated with the corresponding parcellation. Proceeding inward towards the center of the circle, these measures are: nodal centrality and efficiency, local efficiency, degree, edge diversity and strength. Red (resp. blue) color represents positive (resp. negative) effect.

Post-concussion syndrome has been related to axonal damage in patients with mild traumatic brain injury, but little is known about the consequences of injury on brain networks. 
All patients underwent magnetic resonance imaging examinations at the subacute (1–3 weeks) and late (6 months) phases after injury. Results suggest that the post-concussion syndrome is associated with specific abnormalities in functional brain network that may contribute to explain deficits typically observed in PCS patients

Brain regions with significant group differences in basic graph properties (s and de
between mTBI patients and controls at p<0.05 (uncorrected).

The node size indicates the number of basic properties with significant group differences. The nodal regions are located according to their centroid stereotaxic coordinates. Nodal color code for the average size effect, hot (resp. cold) colors represent increased (resp. decreased) properties. 

Brain regions with significant group differences in topological graph properties (kElEn and bc) between 

mTBI patients and controls at p<0.05 (uncorrected).

The node size indicates the number of topological properties with significant group differences. The nodal regions are located according to their centroid stereotaxic coordinates. Nodal color code for the average size effect, hot (resp. cold) colors represent increased (resp. decreased) properties.

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