Saturday, June 20, 2020

Whole Brain White Matter Structure

Voxel-wise VBM statistics of whole brain white matter structure revealed one significant cluster with 
decreased white matter density when comparing CRPS patients to matched controls 
(see blue cluster, peak voxel-level:–21, 3, 4.5 (x, y, z, mm), T = 4.07, p<0.001 uncorrected,cluster-level: 789 voxels,p = 0.014 FWE corrected).

This cluster was located in the internal capsule, known to contain the projections from the M1 to the brainstem. In agreement with this anatomical implementation, there is a reduced individual white matter density negatively correlated (see scatter plot) with increased gray matter density in the primary motor cortex (M1, see red cluster and Fig. 2). The red diamonds indicate patients with left-sided CRPS. Bar plot indicates estimated gray matter changes of the peak voxel; whiskers the standard error. 

Unlike the correlation between gray matter structure in the M1 & the internal capsule, there is no correlation with gray matter density in the DMPFC.

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