A. Automated parcellation of 21 cortical & subcortical ROIs for GM measurement
B. Automated parcellation of 20 deep WM ROIs for DTI measurement
Mean differences of the DTI & GM measures between MCI & control
A. Mean differences & std. errors of regional DTI & GM measures, expressed as Z-scores, between MCI patients & controls for each ROI. Abbreviations:CC = corpus callosum; Post. CG = posterior cingulum; Isth. CG = isthmus cingulum; FX-ST = fornix (cres) and stria terminalis; IFO = inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus; SLF = superior longitudinal fasciculus; ILF = inferior longitudinal fasciculus.
B. Mean differences and standard errors of regional DTI and MRI measures between aMCI, naMCI group and controls for each ROI. DTI and GM measures in ROIs with significant heterogeneities between aMCI and naMCI groups were labeled.
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