Friday, June 19, 2020

Comparison of T2-weighted Imaging Performed at 3 T & 7 T

Boxed areas are shown at higher magnification. A) In patient No. 3, artifacts were present (red arrowheads). 

Contrast and detail level of the lesion (white arrowhead) and of Virchow-Robin spaces were not higher at 7 T. B) In contrast, in patient No. 1 no artifacts were present. Virchow Robin spaces (white arrowheads) were depicted in higher detail at 7 T and the delineation of the lesion (red arrowheads) from healthy tissue was higher at 7 T. C) Same patient as in B). Also in the region of the deep nuclei T2-weighted imaging at 7 T showed better delineation, e.g. between deep nuclei (red asterisks) and fiber bundles of the internal capsule (white asterisks). 

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