Saturday, June 20, 2020

Neuropsychological & Brain Volume Differences in Patients with Left & Right-Beginning Cortico-basal Syndrome

Cortico-basal Syndrome (CBS) is a rare neurodegenerative syndrome characterized by 
unilaterally beginning frontoparietal and basal ganglia atrophy. 
A distinct pattern of neural atrophy and neuropsychological performance was revealed for both CBS: 
Patients with initial right-sided impairment (r-CBS) revealed atrophy predominantly in frontoparietal areas 
and showed, except from apraxia, no other cognitive deficits

Atrophy patterns in l-CBS and r-CBS groups compared to controls.

a) Volumetric differences between patients and controls overlaid on coronal sections of the cytoarchitectonic atlas. Colored areas illustrate significant volume reductions in l-CBS (blue), r-CBS (green) or in both CBS groups (pink). b) Each patient's volume reduction (in SD) compared to the control group. Patients 1 to 8 are listed from left to right according to Table 1, with l-CBS patients in blue and r-CBS patients in green. For brain areas that were found to be atrophic in group statistics, titles of the diagrams are printed in blue for the l-CBS group, in green for the r-CBS group and pink for overlap between the l-CBS and r-CBS group. Significant volume reductions of 2.58 SD or more are shaded in grey. 


Areal volume reductions in CBS patients at t0 and from t0 to t1 overlaid on coronal sections of the cytoarchitectonic atlas: Colored areas illustrate a) atrophy of four or more SD in patient 1 and b) patient 5.

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