Panels A–C show mNSS (A) foot-fault (B) and adhesive-removal (C) tests after stroke in the 4 experimental groups: 1. Combined Control (Co-Con.). 2. 3×106 hUTC administered at 1 day after MCAo (3M/1d). 3. 3×106 hUTC administered at 1 and 3 days after MCAo (3M/1&3d). 4. 3×106 hUTC administered at 1 and 7 days after MCAo (3M/1&7d). Panel D shows the lesion volume in the 4 experimental groups. SE = standard error. *p<0.05 vs Co-control.
Panel A shows significant increase in Synaptophysin expression in the IBZ in all hUTC treatment groups compared to the co-control group. Panels B–C show significant increase in vascular density and perimeter in the IBZ in all hUTC treatment groups compared to the co-control group. *p<0.05 vs Co-control. SE = standard error. Scale bar in A,B and C = 100µm.
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