Microstructural analyses of the posterior cerebellar lobules in relapsing-onset
multiple sclerosis and their implication in cognitive impairment
Detailed image processing used to obtain lobular and peduncular diffusity data. Cropping and non-linear registration of T1w images over the SUIT template and ROI delineation. B: Registration of the diffusivity map using the transformation estimated with the T1w, diffusivity estimation into ROI. C: Non-linear registration of diffusivity maps and estimation within ROI determined by the JHU-ICBM-DTI-81 WM atlas (FSL).
FA was generally lower and MD was higher in the cerebellum and specifically in the vermis Crus II, lobules VIIb and VIIIb in CIPwMS compared with PwCIS and HS. In hierarchical regression analyses, 31% of the working memory z score variance was explained by FA in the left lobule VI and in the left superior peduncle. Working memory was also associated with MD in the vermis Crus II. FA in the left lobule VI and right VIIIa predicted part of the information processing speed (IPS) z scores.
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