In this region parameter estimates for activation magnitude showed a lesser-to-greater activation from Control, to MCI, to AD subjects.Comparable values in AD higher percentage.
The proportion of deactivators was significantly different (p<0.05) across diagnostic groups after adjusting for age, education and baseline MMSE score, with significantly fewer deactivators with increasing cognitive impairment grouping
Bar graph demonstrates activation magnitude parameter estimate in the PMC region (Fig 1), demonstrating a continuum from control, to MCI-Nonconverter, to MCI-Converter, to AD.
There were statistically significant (p<0.05) differences between all groups with the exception of the control and MCI-Nonconverter group, and the AD and MCI-Converter group. Note the overall pattern of negative activation magnitude in the Control and MCI-Nonconverter groups, and positive activation magnitude in the AD and MCI-Converter groups. Activation in AD more clearly defined and clear active in all regions.
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