Thursday, June 18, 2020

Brain Stem (A, B and C) and Corpus Callosum

Grading scale combining the evaluation of the lesions’ burden of the brain stem (A, B and C) and of the corpus callosum (D). For the brain stem, the mesencephalon was divided into 4 regions (A), the pons into 4 regions as well (B) and the medulla oblongata corresponded to one region (C). For each lesion involving one region, one point was added (maximum total points = 9). D. Drawing of the brain with the corpus callosum colored in red (lateral view). The corpus callosum was divided into 3 areas: the genu, the body and the splenium. No lesion was graded 0, lesion involving < 50% of the genu: 1 point and ≥ 50%: 2 points; lesion involving less than 1/3 of the body: 1 point, ≥ 1/3 and < 2/3: 2 points, and ≥ 2/3: 3 points; lesion involving less than 50% of the splenium: 1 point and ≥ 50%: 2 points. The maximum total points for the corpus callosum was 7 (D). By combining the 2 scores, the brain-stem/corpus callosum (BS-CC) score was obtained (maximum points = 16).    

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